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  • SallyK 

100% Whole Wheat Bread

My big oven is up and running again, and this is one of the first things I made. This whole wheat bread is easy to make and slices up beautifully for sandwiches. I use freshly milled red winter wheat flour that has been somewhat slowly ground on a slightly coarse setting.

Makes one large loaf.


  • 1 1/4 c warm filtered water
  • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 Tbsp honey
  • 2 tsp instant yeast
  • 2 Tbsp vital wheat gluten
  • 1/2 Tbsp salt
  • 3 1/2 c whole wheat flour (divided use)


  1. Place warm water, oil, honey, yeast, gluten flour, salt and 3 cups of whole wheat flour in an electric mixer with a dough hook. (**For kneading by hand, see end note.)
  2. Mix on low until combined. Allow to stand 15 minutes to hydrate wheat.
  3. Raise speed a bit (#2 speed); beat 8 minutes.
  4. Continue to beat another 4 minutes, while gradually adding the least amount of the remaining half-cup flour as needed for dough to leave sides of bowl yet remain slightly sticky.
  5. Transfer dough to oiled bowl, flipping over to oil top.
  6. Flatten dough; cover. Leave in warm, draft-free place 60 minutes or until doubled.
  7. Second rise: Punch down. Stretch and fold dough. Form into dough ball, flatten and place in covered bowl. Leave in warm place another 60 minutes, or until doubled..
  8. Place dough on work surface (without flour) and flatten into rectangle. Roll tightly into loaf shape, pinching seams to seal.
  9. Place in buttered 8 X 4 inch loaf pan, cover with tea towel . Allow to rise 40 minutes or until an inch over the top of the loaf pan, preheating oven to 350 degrees F towards the end of the rise.
  10. Bake in center oven 40 minutes. Place on cooling rack and butter the top. Cool completely before slicing.
  11. Tightly wrap/cover sliced loaf and store at room temperature.

** For kneading by hand, place warm water, oil, honey, yeast, gluten flour, salt and 3 cups of the whole wheat flour in large bowl. Using wooden spoon, combine well. Cover; allow to stand 15 minutes to hydrate wheat. Turn out on lightly floured surface and knead 12 minutes, adding the least amount of the remaining half-cup flour necessary for a slightly sticky but cohesive, elastic dough. Proceed with step #5-11..

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